// Copyright (c) 2024, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 24 Oct 2024 Matthew Giannini Creation
** A mixin to decide how links/images are handled
** When inline parsing is run, each parsed link/image is passed to the processor.
** This includes links like these:
** pre>
** [text](destination)
** [text]
** [text][]
** [text][label]
** <pre
** And images
** pre>
** ![text](destination)
** ![text]
** ![text][]
** ![text][label]
** <pre
** See `LinkInfo` for accessing various parts of the parsed link/image
** The processor can then inspect the link/image and decide what to do with it by
** returning the appropriate `LinkResult`. If it returns null, the next registered
** processor is tried. If none of them apply, the link is handled as it normally would.
const mixin LinkProcessor
** 'info': information about the parsed link/image
** 'scanner': the scanner at the current position aftger the parsed link/image
** 'cx': context for inline parsing
** Return what to do with the link/image, e.g. do nothing (try next processor),
** wrap the text in a node, or replace the link/image with a node.
abstract LinkResult? process(LinkInfo info, Scanner scanner, InlineParserContext cx)
** CoreLinkProcessor
internal const class CoreLinkProcessor : LinkProcessor
override LinkResult? process(LinkInfo info, Scanner scanner, InlineParserContext cx)
if (info.destination != null)
// inline link
return doProcess(info, scanner, info.destination, info.title)
label := info.label
ref := label != null && !label.isEmpty ? label : info.text
def := cx.def(LinkReferenceDefinition#, ref) as LinkReferenceDefinition
if (def != null)
// reference link
return doProcess(info, scanner, def.destination, def.title)
return LinkResult.none
private static LinkResult doProcess(LinkInfo info, Scanner scanner, Str? dest, Str? title)
if (info.marker != null && info.marker.literal == "!")
// Image
return LinkResult.wrapTextIn(Image(dest, title), scanner.pos) { it.includeMarker = true }
return LinkResult.wrapTextIn(Link(dest, title), scanner.pos)
** LinkResult
class LinkResult
** Link not handled by processor
static new none() { null }
** Wrap the link text in a node. This is the normal behavior for links, e.g. for this:
** pre>
** [my *text*](destination)
** <pre
** The text is 'my *text*', a text node and emphasis. The text is wrapped in a
** link node, which means the text is added as child nodes to it.
** 'node': the node to which the link text nodes will be added as child nodes
** 'pos': the position to continue parsing from
static new wrapTextIn(Node node, Position pos) { LinkResult(true, node, pos) }
** Replace the link with a node, e.g. for this:
** pre>
** [^foo]
** <pre
** The processor could decide to create a footnote reference node instead which
** replaces the link.
** 'node': the node to replace the link with
** 'pos': the position to continue parsing from
static new replaceWith(Node node, Position pos) { LinkResult(false, node, pos) }
private new priv_make(Bool wrap, Node node, Position pos)
this.wrap = wrap
this.node = node
this.pos = pos
const Bool wrap
Bool replace() { !wrap }
Node node { private set }
const Position pos
** If a `LinkInfo.marker` is present, include it in processing
** (i.e. treat it the same way as the brackets).
Bool includeMarker := false