class sys::StrBuf
sys::Obj sys::StrBuf
StrBuf is a mutable sequence of Int characters.
- add
Add x.toStr to the end of this buffer. If x is null then the string "null" is inserted. Return this.
- addChar
Optimized implementation for add(ch.toChar). Return this.
- addRange
Add a substring of the given string to the buffer. Return this.
- capacity
Int capacity
The number of characters this buffer can hold without allocating more memory.
- clear
This clear()
Clear the contents of the string buffer so that it has a size of zero. Return this.
- get
Get the character at the zero based index as a Unicode code point. Negative indexes may be used to access from the end of the string buffer. This method is accessed via the [] operator.
- getRange
Str getRange(Range range)Return a substring based on the specified range. Negative indexes may be used to access from the end of the string buffer. This method is accessed via the [] operator. Throw IndexErr if range illegal.
"abcd"[0..2] => "abc" "abcd"[3..3] => "d" "abcd"[-2..-1] => "cd" "abcd"[0..<2] => "ab" "abcd"[1..-2] => "bc" "abcd"[4..-1] => ""
- insert
This insert(Int index, Obj? x)
Insert x.toStr into this buffer at the specified index. If x is null then the string "null" is inserted. Negative indexes may be used to access from the end of the string buffer. Throw IndexErr if index is out of range. Return this.
- isEmpty
Bool isEmpty()
Return if size() == 0.
- join
This join(Obj? x, Str sep := " ")
Add x.toStr to the end of the buffer. If the buffer is not empty, then first add the specified separator which defaults to a space if not specified. Return this.
- make
new make(Int capacity := 16)
Create with initial capacity (defaults to 16).
- out
OutStream out()
Create an output stream to append characters to this string buffer. The output stream is designed to write character data, attempts to do binary writes will throw UnsupportedErr.
- remove
Remove the char at the specified index. A negative index may be used to access an index from the end of the list. Size is decremented by 1. Return this. Throw IndexErr if index is out of range.
- removeRange
Remove a range of indices from this buffer. Negative indexes may be used to access from the end of the list. Throw IndexErr if range illegal. Return this.
- replaceRange
This replaceRange(Range r, Str str)
Replaces a range of indices from this buffer with the specified string. Negative indexes may be used to access from the end of the buffer. Throw IndexErr if range illegal. Return this.
- reverse
This reverse()
Reverse the contents of this string buffer. Return this.
- set
This set(Int index, Int ch)Replace the existing character at index in this buffer. Negative indexes may be used to access from the end of the string buffer. This method is accessed via the [] operator. Return this.
- size
Int size()
Return the number of characters in the buffer.
- toStr
virtual override Str toStr()
Return the current buffer contents as a Str.