// Copyright (c) 2008, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   14 May 08  Brian Frank  Creation

** MimeType represents the parsed value of a Content-Type
** header per RFC 2045 section 5.1.
@Serializable { simple = true }
const final class MimeType

// Construction

  ** Parse from string format.  If invalid format and
  ** checked is false return null, otherwise throw ParseErr.
  ** Parenthesis comments are treated as part of the value.
  static new fromStr(Str s, Bool checked := true)

  ** Parse a set of attribute-value parameters where the values may be
  ** tokens or quoted-strings.  The resulting map is case insensitive.
  ** If invalid format return null or raise ParseErr based on checked flag.
  ** Parenthesis comments are not supported.  If a value pair is missing
  ** "= value", then the value is defaulted to "".
  ** Examples:
  **   a=b; c="d"       =>  ["a":"b", "c"="d"]
  **   foo=bar; secure  =>  ["foo":"bar", "secure":""]
  static [Str:Str]? parseParams(Str s, Bool checked := true)

  ** Map a case insensitive file extension to a MimeType.
  ** This mapping is configured via "etc/sys/ext2mime.props".  If
  ** no mapping is available return null.
  static MimeType? forExt(Str ext)

  ** Private constructor - must use fromStr
  private new make()

// Identity

  ** Hash code is derived from the mediaType, subType,
  ** and params hashes.
  override Int hash()

  ** Equality is based on the case insensitive mediaType
  ** and subType, and params (keys are case insensitive
  ** and values are case sensitive).
  override Bool equals(Obj? that)

  ** Encode as a MIME message according to RFC 822.  This
  ** is always the exact same string passed to `fromStr`.
  override Str toStr()

// MIME Type

  ** The primary media type always in lowercase:
  **   text/html  =>  text
  Str mediaType()

  ** The subtype always in lowercase:
  **   text/html  =>  html
  Str subType()

  ** Additional parameters stored in case-insensitive map.
  ** If no parameters, then this is an empty map.
  **   text/html; charset=utf-8    =>  [charset:utf-8]
  **   text/html; charset="utf-8"  =>  [charset:utf-8]
  Str:Str params()

  ** If a charset parameter is specified, then map it to
  ** the 'Charset' instance, otherwise return 'Charset.utf8'.
  Charset charset()

  ** Return an instance with this mediaType and subType,
  ** but strip any parameters.
  MimeType noParams()

  ** Return if this mime type is known to be text.  This includes all "text/*"
  ** mime types along with special cases like "application/json".
  Bool isText()
