// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   8 Mar 06  Brian Frank  Creation

** Num is the base class for number classes: `Int`, `Float`, and `Decimal`.
abstract const class Num

// Constructor

  ** internal constructor.
  internal new make()

// Virtuals

  ** Convert this number to an Int.
  Int toInt()

  ** Convert this number to a Float.
  Float toFloat()

  ** Convert this number to a Decimal.
  Decimal toDecimal()

// Locale

  ** Get the current locale's decimal separator.
  ** For example in the the US this is a dot.
  static Str localeDecimal()

  ** Get the current locale's separator for grouping thousands
  ** together.  For example in the US this is a comma.
  static Str localeGrouping()

  ** Get the current locale's minus sign used to represent a negative number.
  static Str localeMinus()

  ** Get the current locale's symbol for the percent sign.
  static Str localePercent()

  ** Get the current locale's string representation for positive infinity.
  static Str localePosInf()

  ** Get the current locale's string representation for negative infinity.
  static Str localeNegInf()

  ** Get the current locale's string representation for not-a-number.
  static Str localeNaN()
