// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   5 Jun 06  Brian Frank  Creation

** ScanForUsingsAndTypes is the first phase in a two pass parser.  Here
** we scan thru the tokens to parse using declarations and type definitions
** so that we can fully define the namespace of types.  The result of this
** step is to populate each CompilationUnit's using and types, and the
** PodDef.typeDefs map.
class ScanForUsingsAndTypes : CompilerStep

// Construction

  ** Constructor takes the associated Compiler
  new make(Compiler compiler)
    : super(compiler)

// Methods

  ** Run the step
  override Void run()

    allTypes := Str:TypeDef[:]

    units.each |CompilationUnit unit|
      UsingAndTypeScanner(compiler, unit, allTypes).parse

    pod.typeDefs = allTypes


** UsingAndTypeScanner

class UsingAndTypeScanner : CompilerSupport
  new make(Compiler compiler, CompilationUnit unit, Str:TypeDef allTypes)
    : super(compiler)
    this.unit     = unit
    this.tokens   = unit.tokens
    this.pos      = 0
    this.allTypes = allTypes
    this.isSys    = compiler.isSys

  Void parse()
    // sys is imported implicitly (unless this is sys itself)
    if (!isSys)
      unit.usings.add(Using(unit.loc) { podName="sys" })

    // scan tokens quickly looking for keywords
    inClassHeader := false
    while (true)
      tok := consume
      if (tok.kind === Token.eof) break
      switch (tok.kind)
        case Token.usingKeyword:
        case Token.lbrace:
          inClassHeader = false
        case Token.classKeyword:
        case Token.mixinKeyword:
          if (!inClassHeader)
            inClassHeader = true;

  private Void parseUsing(TokenVal tok)
    u := Using(tok)

    // using "some pod name"
    if (curt === Token.strLiteral)
      u.podName = consume(Token.strLiteral).val
      // using [ffi]
      u.podName = ""
      if (curt === Token.lbracket)
        u.podName = "[" + consumeId + "]"

      // using [ffi] pod
      u.podName += consumeId
      while (curt === Token.dot) // allow dots in pod name
        u.podName += "." + consumeId

    // using [ffi] pod::type
    if (curt === Token.doubleColon)
      u.typeName = consumeId
      while (curt === Token.dollar) // allow $ in type name
        u.typeName += "\$"
        if (curt == Token.identifier) u.typeName += consumeId

      // using [ffi] pod::type as rename
      if (curt === Token.asKeyword)
        u.asName = consumeId


  private Void parseType(TokenVal tok)
    name := consumeId
    typeDef := TypeDef(ns, tok, unit, name)

    // set mixin flag to use by Parser
    if (tok.kind === Token.mixinKeyword)
      typeDef.flags = typeDef.flags.or(FConst.Mixin)

    // check for duplicate type names
    if (allTypes.containsKey(name))
      err("Duplicate type name '$name'", typeDef.loc)
      allTypes[name] = typeDef

  private Str consumeId()
    id := consume
    if (id.kind != Token.identifier)
      err("Expected identifier", id)
      return ""
    return (Str)id.val

  private Void verify(Token expected)
    if (curt !== expected)
      err("Expected '$expected.symbol', not '${tokens[pos]}'", tokens[pos]);

  private TokenVal consume(Token? expected := null)
    if (expected != null) verify(expected)
    return tokens[pos++]

  private Token curt()
    return tokens[pos].kind

  private CompilationUnit unit
  private TokenVal[] tokens
  private Int pos
  private Bool isSys := false
  private Str:TypeDef allTypes
