// Copyright (c) 2011, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   20 Dec 11  Brian Frank  Creation

** Doc is the base class for document types.  All Docs are organized
** under a `DocSpace` for  a two level namespace of "spaceName/docName".
** Subclasses include:
**  - `DocPodIndex`: pod index
**  - `DocType`: type API
**  - `DocChapter`: chapter in manual
**  - `DocRes`: resource file
**  - `DocSrc`: source file
const abstract class Doc
  ** Space which contains this document
  abstract DocSpace space()

  ** Name which uniquely identifies this document under its space.
  abstract Str docName()

  ** Default title for the document
  abstract Str title()

  ** String to use for this document in the breadcrumb.
  ** By default this is the `docName`.
  virtual Str breadcrumb() { docName }

  ** Get the default `DocRenderer` type to use for renderering this document.
  abstract Type renderer()

  ** Should links to this document be formatted as code identifier
  virtual Bool isCode() { false }

  ** Convenience to check if this is  top-level index document.
  ** Top index often requires a bit of special handling since
  ** it lives a level above the standard two level namespace.
  virtual Bool isTopIndex() { false }

  ** Return if this is the index document of the space.
  virtual Bool isSpaceIndex() { false }

  ** Callback to handle a search engine crawl over this document.
  ** Call one of the 'addX' methods on the crawler for each chunk
  ** of text in the document to be indexed.
  virtual Void onCrawl(DocCrawler crawler) {}

  ** Get a chapter heading for this document by its anchor id
  virtual DocHeading? heading(Str id, Bool checked := true)
    if (checked) throw NameErr("Unknown header anchor id $space.spaceName::$docName#${id}")
    return null

  ** Return docName by default
  override Str toStr() { docName }