// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 6 Jun 06 Brian Frank Creation
** ReflectType is the implementation of CType for a type imported
** from a precompiled pod (as opposed to a TypeDef within the compilation
** units being compiled).
class ReflectType : CType
// Construction
** Construct with loaded Type.
new make(ReflectNamespace ns, Type t)
this.pod = ns.importPod(t.pod)
this.t = t
this.base = ns.importType(t.base)
this.mixins = ns.importTypes(t.mixins)
this.isVal = t.isVal
// CType
override ReflectNamespace ns() { pod.ns }
override CDoc? doc() { CDoc(t.doc) }
override Str name() { t.name }
override Str qname() { t.qname }
override Str signature() { t.signature }
override Int flags() { (Int)t->flags }
override const Bool isVal
override Bool isNullable() { false }
override once CType toNullable() { NullableType(this) }
override Bool isGeneric() { t.isGeneric }
override Bool isParameterized() { !t.params.isEmpty }
override Bool isGenericParameter() { pod === ns.sysPod && name.size == 1 }
override once CType toListOf() { ListType(this) }
override CFacet? facet(Str qname)
return ReflectFacet.map(ns, t.facet(Type.find(qname), false))
catch (Err e)
return null
override Str:CSlot slots()
if (!slotsLoaded)
slotsLoaded = true
if (!isGenericParameter)
t.slots.each |Slot s|
if (slotMap[s.name] == null)
slotMap[s.name] = ns.importSlot(s)
return slotMap
override once COperators operators() { COperators(this) }
override CSlot? slot(Str name)
cs := slotMap[name]
if (cs == null)
s := t.slot(name, false)
if (s != null)
slotMap[name] = cs = ns.importSlot(s)
return cs
// Fields
const Type t
override ReflectPod pod { private set }
override CType? base { private set }
override CType[] mixins { private set }
private Str:CSlot slotMap := Str:CSlot[:]
private Bool slotsLoaded := false