class compiler::ReflectType
sys::Obj compiler::ReflectType : compiler::CType
ReflectType is the implementation of CType for a type imported from a precompiled pod (as opposed to a TypeDef within the compilation units being compiled).
- base
virtual override CType? base { private set }
- doc
virtual override CDoc? doc()
- facet
- flags
virtual override Int flags()
- isGeneric
virtual override Bool isGeneric()
- isGenericParameter
virtual override Bool isGenericParameter()
- isNullable
virtual override Bool isNullable()
- isParameterized
virtual override Bool isParameterized()
- isVal
virtual const override Bool isVal
- make
new make(ReflectNamespace ns, Type t)
Construct with loaded Type.
- mixins
virtual override CType[] mixins { private set }
- name
virtual override Str name()
- ns
virtual override ReflectNamespace ns()
- operators
virtual override COperators operators()
- pod
virtual override ReflectPod pod { private set }
- qname
virtual override Str qname()
- signature
virtual override Str signature()
- slot
- slots
- t
const Type t
- toListOf
virtual override CType toListOf()
- toNullable
virtual override CType toNullable()