abstract class compiler::CBridge
sys::Obj compiler::CompilerSupport compiler::CBridge
CBridge is the base class for compiler FFI plugins to expose external type systems to the Fantom compiler as CPods, CTypes, and CSlots. Subclasses are registered for a FFI name with the "compilerBridge" facet and must declare a constructor with a Compiler arg.
- checkOverride
abstract Void checkOverride(TypeDef t, CSlot base, SlotDef def)
Called during Inherit step when a Fantom slot overrides a FFI slot. Log and throw compiler error if there is a problem.
- checkType
abstract Void checkType(TypeDef def)
Called during CheckErrors step for a type which extends a FFI class or implements any FFI mixins.
- cleanup
virtual Void cleanup()
Guaranteed cleanup hook
- coerce
virtual Expr coerce(Expr expr, CType expected, |->Void| onErr)
Coerce the target expression to the specified type. If the expression is not type compatible run the onErr function. Default implementation provides standard Fantom coercion.
If the bridge is going to coerce
into a new expression, then it should mark the resulting expression as synthetic. A synthetic expression must be "undoable":- TypeCheckExpr where target is uncoerced expr
- CallExpr where last argument is uncoerced expr See ResolveExpr.resolveAssign for more details.
- make
new make(Compiler c)
Constructor with associated compiler.
- resolveCall
abstract Expr resolveCall(CallExpr call)
Resolve a method call. Type check the arguments and insert any conversions needed.
- resolveConstruction
abstract Expr resolveConstruction(CallExpr call)
Resolve a construction call. Type check the arguments and insert any conversions needed.
- resolveConstructorChain
abstract Expr resolveConstructorChain(CallExpr call)
Resolve a construction chain call where a Fantom constructor calls the super-class constructor. Type check the arguments and insert any conversions needed.
- resolvePod
abstract CPod resolvePod(Str name, Loc? loc)
Resolve the specified foreign namespace to a CPod. Throw a CompilerErr with appropriate message if name cannot be resolved.
- resolveSlotAccess
abstract CSlot? resolveSlotAccess(CType base, Str name, Bool noParens)
Given a dot operator slot access on the given foreign base type, determine the appopriate slot to use based on whether parens were used
base.name => noParens = true base.name() => noParens = false