abstract class compiler::Expr
sys::Obj compiler::Node compiler::Expr
- asTableSwitchCase
virtual Int? asTableSwitchCase()
Return this expression as an Int literal usable in a tableswitch, or null if this Expr doesn't represent a constant Int. Expressions which work as table switch cases: int literals and enum constants
- assignRequiresTempVar
virtual Bool assignRequiresTempVar()
Assignments to instance fields require a temporary local variable.
- assignTarget
virtual Obj? assignTarget()
If this expression performs assignment, then return the target of that assignment. Otherwise return null.
- commonType
static CType commonType(CNamespace ns, Expr[] exprs)
Given a list of Expr instances, find the common base type they all share. This method does not take into account the null literal. It is used for type inference for lists and maps.
- ctype
CType? ctype
- ctypes
static CType[] ctypes(Expr[] exprs)
Map the list of expressions into their list of types
- id
const ExprId id
- isAlwaysNullable
virtual Bool isAlwaysNullable()
Return if this expression is guaranteed to sometimes return a null result (safe invoke, as, etc)
- isAssignable
virtual Bool isAssignable()
Return if this expression can be used as the left hand side of an assignment expression.
- isCond
virtual Bool isCond()
Is this a boolean conditional (boolOr/boolAnd)
- isDefiniteAssign
virtual Bool isDefiniteAssign(|Expr->Bool| f)
If this an assignment expression, then return the result of calling the given function with the LHS. Otherwise return false.
- isStmt
virtual Bool isStmt()
Does this expression make up a complete statement. If you override this to true, then you must make sure the expr is popped in CodeAsm.
- leave
Bool leave := true { protected set }
- make
- makeForLiteral
static Expr makeForLiteral(Loc loc, CNamespace ns, Obj val)
Make an Expr which will serialize the given literal.
- noLeave
Expr noLeave()
Set this expression to not be left on the stack.
- sameVarAs
virtual Bool sameVarAs(Expr that)
Return if this expression represents the same variable or field as that. This is used for self assignment checks.
- serialize
virtual Str serialize()
Return this expression as serialization text or throw exception if not serializable.
- synthetic
virtual Bool synthetic()
Was this expression generated by the compiler (not necessarily everything auto-generated has this flag true, but we set in cases where error checking needs to be handled special)
- toDocStr
Str? toDocStr()
Get this expression as a string suitable for documentation. This string must not contain a newline or it will break the DocApiParser.
- toStmt
ExprStmt toStmt()
Return this expression as an ExprStmt
- toStr
abstract override Str toStr()
- toTypeStr
Str toTypeStr()
Get this expression's type as a string for error reporting.
- walk
- walkChildren
- walkExpr
- walkExprs