mixin compiler::CType
compiler::CType : compiler::CNode
CType is a "compiler type" which is class used for representing the Fantom type system in the compiler. CTypes map to types within the compilation units themsevles as TypeDef and TypeRef or to precompiled types in imported pods via ReflectType or FType.
- base
abstract CType? base()
The direct super class of this type (null for Obj).
- bridge
CBridge? bridge()
If this is a foreign function return the bridge.
- common
static CType common(CNamespace ns, CType[] types)
Given a list of types, compute the most specific type which they all share, or at worst return sys::Obj. This method does not take into account mixins, only extends class inheritance.
- ctors
CMethod[] ctors()
List of the all constructors.
- deref
virtual CType deref()
If this is a TypeRef, return what it references
- equals
virtual override Bool equals(Obj? t)
Equality based on signature.
- field
virtual CField? field(Str name)
Lookup a field by name (null if method).
- fields
CField[] fields()
List of the all defined fields (including inherited fields).
- fits
Does this type implement the specified type. If true, then this type is assignable to the specified type (although the converse is not necessarily true). All types (including mixin types) fit sys::Obj.
- fitsAny
Return if this type fits any of the types in the specified list.
- flags
abstract Int flags()
Get the flags bitmask.
- foreignInheritance
CType? foreignInheritance()
If this TypeDef extends from a FFI class or implements any FFI mixins, then return the FFI type otherwise return null.
- hasSlot
Return if this type contains a slot by the specified name.
- hash
virtual override Int hash()
Hash on signature.
- inferredAs
virtual CType inferredAs()
If this type is being used for type inference then get the type as it should be inferred. Typically we just return this. However some FFI types such as
are never used on the stack directly and are inferred to besys::Int
. - instanceCtors
CMethod[] instanceCtors()
List of the all instance constructors.
- isAbstract
Bool isAbstract()
Return if this Type is abstract and cannot be instantiated. This method will always return true if the type is a mixin.
- isBool
Bool isBool()
- isBuf
Bool isBuf()
- isClass
Bool isClass()
Return if this Type is a class (as opposed to enum or mixin)
- isConst
Bool isConst()
Return if this Type is const and immutable.
- isConstFieldType
Bool isConstFieldType()
Is this type ok to use as a const field? Any const type fine, plus we allow Obj, List, Map, Buf, and Func since they will implicitly have toImmutable called on them.
- isDecimal
Bool isDecimal()
- isEnum
Bool isEnum()
Return if this Type is an sys::Enum
- isFacet
Bool isFacet()
Return if this Type is an sys::Facet
- isFinal
Bool isFinal()
Return if this Type is final and cannot be subclassed.
- isFloat
Bool isFloat()
- isForeign
virtual Bool isForeign()
If this a foreign function interface type.
- isFunc
Bool isFunc()
- isGeneric
abstract Bool isGeneric()
A generic type means that one or more of my slots contain signatures using a generic parameter (such as V or K). Fantom supports three built-in generic types: List, Map, and Func. A generic instance (such as Str[]) is NOT a generic type (all of its generic parameters have been filled in). User defined generic types are not supported in Fan.
- isGenericParameter
abstract Bool isGenericParameter()
Return if this type is a generic parameter (such as V or K) in a generic type (List, Map, or Method). Generic parameters serve as place holders for the parameterization of the generic type. Fantom has a predefined set of generic parameters which are always defined in the sys pod with a one character name.
- isInt
Bool isInt()
- isInternal
Bool isInternal()
Is this an internally scoped class
- isList
Bool isList()
- isMap
Bool isMap()
- isMixin
Bool isMixin()
Return if this Type is a mixin type and cannot be instantiated.
- isNative
Bool isNative()
Is the entire class implemented in native code?
- isNothing
Bool isNothing()
- isNullable
abstract Bool isNullable()
Is this is a nullable type (marked with trailing ?)
- isObj
Bool isObj()
- isParameterized
abstract Bool isParameterized()
A parameterized type is a type which has parameterized a generic type and replaced all the generic parameter types with generic argument types. The type Str[] is a parameterized type of the generic type List (V is replaced with Str). A parameterized type always has a signature which is different from the qname.
- isPublic
Bool isPublic()
Is this a public scoped class
- isRange
Bool isRange()
- isStr
Bool isStr()
- isSupported
virtual Bool isSupported()
Return if type is supported by the Fantom type system. For example the Java FFI will correctly model a Java multi-dimensional array during compilation, however there is no Fantom representation. We check for supported types during CheckErrors when accessing fields and methods.
- isSynthetic
Bool isSynthetic()
Is this a compiler generated synthetic class
- isThis
Bool isThis()
- isType
Bool isType()
- isVal
abstract Bool isVal()
Is this is a value type (Bool, Int, or Float and their nullables)
- isValType
static Bool isValType(Str qname)
Static utility for value type
- isValid
virtual Bool isValid()
Is this a valid type usable anywhere (such as local var)
- isVoid
Bool isVoid()
- method
virtual CMethod? method(Str name)
Lookup a method by name (null if field).
- methods
CMethod[] methods()
List of the all defined methods (including inherited methods).
- mixins
abstract CType[] mixins()
Return the mixins directly implemented by this type.
- name
abstract Str name()
Simple name of the type such as "Str".
- operators
abstract COperators operators()
Get operators lookup structure
- parameterizeThis
virtual CType parameterizeThis(CType thisType)
If this is a parameterized type which uses
, then replaceThis
with the specified type. - pod
abstract CPod pod()
Parent pod which defines this type.
- qname
abstract Str qname()
Qualified name such as "sys:Str".
- raw
CType raw()
If this type is a generic parameter (V, L, etc), then return the actual type for the native implementation. For example V is Obj, and L is List. This is the type we actually use when constructing a signature for the invoke opcode.
- signature
abstract Str signature()
This is the full signature of the type.
- slot
Lookup a slot by name. If the slot doesn't exist then return null.
- slots
Map of the all defined slots, both fields and methods (including inherited slots).
- toListOf
abstract CType toListOf()
Create a parameterized List of this type.
- toNonNullable
virtual CType toNonNullable()
Get this type as a non-nullable (if nullable)
- toNullable
abstract CType toNullable()
Get this type as a nullable type (marked with trailing ?)
- toStr
override Str toStr()
Return signature