mixin compiler::CMethod
compiler::CMethod : compiler::CSlot
CMethod is a "compiler method" which is represents a Method in the compiler. CMethods unify methods being compiled as MethodDefs with methods imported as ReflectMethod or FMethod.
- calcGeneric
- generic
virtual CMethod? generic()
If isParameterized is true, then return the generic method which this method parameterizes, otherwise null
- hasSameParams
Bool hasSameParams(CMethod that)
Return if this method has the exact same parameters as the specified method.
- inheritedReturnType
abstract CType inheritedReturnType()
Original return type from inherited method if a covariant override.
- isCovariant
Bool isCovariant()
Does this method have a covariant return type (we don't count This returns as covariant)
- isGeneric
virtual Bool isGeneric()
Does this method contains generic parameters in its signature.
- isParameterized
virtual Bool isParameterized()
Is this method the parameterization of a generic method, with all the generic parameters filled in with real types.
- nameAndParamTypesToStr
Str nameAndParamTypesToStr()
Return a string with the name and parameters.
- params
abstract CParam[] params()
Parameter signatures
- returnType
abstract CType returnType()
Return type
- usesBridge
virtual override CBridge? usesBridge()
Return the bridge if this slot is foreign or uses any foreign types in its signature.