abstract class compiler::DslPlugin
sys::Obj compiler::CompilerSupport compiler::DslPlugin
DslPlugin is the base class for Domain Specific Language plugins used to compile embedded DSLs. Subclasses are registered on the anchor type's qname with the "compiler.dsl.{anchor}" indexed prop and must declare a constructor with a Compiler arg.
- compile
abstract Expr compile(DslExpr dsl)
Compile DSL source into its Fantom equivalent expression. Log and throw compiler error if there is a problem.
- find
static DslPlugin? find(CompilerSupport c, Loc loc, CType anchorType)
Find a DSL plugin for the given anchor type. If there is a problem then log an error and return null.
- make
new make(Compiler c)
Constructor with associated compiler.
- normalizeSrc
Normalize the DSL source using Fantom's multi-line whitespace rules where no non-whitespace chars may be appear to the left of the opening "<|" token. If source is formatted incorrectly then log and throw error.