abstract class compiler::CNamespace
sys::Obj compiler::CNamespace
CNamespace is responsible for providing a unified view pods, types, and slots between the entities currently being compiled and the entities being imported from pre-compiled pods.
- boolNot
CMethod? boolNot { private set }
- boolType
CType? boolType { private set }
- cleanup
Void cleanup()
- decimalType
CType? decimalType { private set }
- depends
Map of dependencies keyed by pod name set in ResolveDepends.
- durationType
CType? durationType { private set }
- enumOrdinal
CMethod? enumOrdinal { private set }
- enumType
CType? enumType { private set }
- errType
CType? errType { private set }
- error
CType? error { private set }
- facetType
CType? facetType { private set }
- fieldNotSetErrMake
CMethod? fieldNotSetErrMake { private set }
- fieldNotSetErrType
CType? fieldNotSetErrType { private set }
- fieldType
CType? fieldType { private set }
- findBridge
protected virtual CBridge findBridge(Compiler compiler, Str name, Loc? loc)
Subclass hook to resolve a FFI name to a CBridge implementation. Throw CompilerErr if there is a problem resolving the bridge. The default implementation attempts to resolve the indexed property "compiler.bridge.$name" to a Type qname.
- findPod
protected abstract CPod? findPod(Str podName)
Subclass hook to resolve a pod name to a CPod implementation. Return null if not found.
- flattenAndOrderByDepends
CPod[] flattenAndOrderByDepends(CPod[] pods)
Convenience to flatten and order all pod dependencies. See
- flattenDepends
CPod[] flattenDepends(CPod[] pods)
Expand a set of pods to include all their recursive dependencies. This method does not order them; see
. - floatMinus
CMethod? floatMinus { private set }
- floatPlus
CMethod? floatPlus { private set }
- floatType
CType? floatType { private set }
- funcBind
CMethod? funcBind { private set }
- funcCall
CMethod? funcCall { private set }
- funcCheckInCtor
CMethod? funcCheckInCtor { private set }
- funcEnterCtor
CMethod? funcEnterCtor { private set }
- funcExitCtor
CMethod? funcExitCtor { private set }
- funcType
CType? funcType { private set }
- genericParameter
CType genericParameter(Str id)
Map one of the generic parameter types such as "sys::V" into a CType
- genericParams
- init
protected Void init()
Once the sub class is initialized, it must call this method to initialize our all predefined values.
- intDecrement
CMethod? intDecrement { private set }
- intIncrement
CMethod? intIncrement { private set }
- intPlus
CMethod? intPlus { private set }
- intType
CType? intType { private set }
- itBlockType
FuncType? itBlockType { private set }
- listAdd
CMethod? listAdd { private set }
- listMake
CMethod? listMake { private set }
- listMakeObj
CMethod? listMakeObj { private set }
- listType
CType? listType { private set }
- mapMake
CMethod? mapMake { private set }
- mapSet
CMethod? mapSet { private set }
- mapType
CType? mapType { private set }
- methodType
CType? methodType { private set }
- notImmutableErrMake
CMethod? notImmutableErrMake { private set }
- notImmutableErrType
CType? notImmutableErrType { private set }
- nothingType
CType? nothingType { private set }
- objToImmutable
CMethod? objToImmutable { private set }
- objTrap
CMethod? objTrap { private set }
- objType
CType? objType { private set }
- objWith
CMethod? objWith { private set }
- orderByDepends
CPod[] orderByDepends(CPod[] pods)
Order a list of pods by their dependencies. This method does not flatten dependencies - see
. - podFind
CMethod? podFind { private set }
- podLocale
CMethod? podLocale { private set }
- podType
CType? podType { private set }
- rangeMakeExclusive
CMethod? rangeMakeExclusive { private set }
- rangeMakeInclusive
CMethod? rangeMakeInclusive { private set }
- rangeType
CType? rangeType { private set }
- resolvePod
CPod resolvePod(Str podName, Loc? loc)
Attempt to import the specified pod name against our dependency library. If not found then throw CompilerErr.
- resolveSlot
Attempt resolve a slot against our dependency library. If can't be resolved, then throw Err.
- resolveType
Attempt resolve a signature against our dependency library. If not a valid signature or it can't be resolved, then throw Err.
- slotFindFunc
CMethod? slotFindFunc { private set }
- slotFindMethod
CMethod? slotFindMethod { private set }
- slotType
CType? slotType { private set }
- strBufAdd
CMethod? strBufAdd { private set }
- strBufMake
CMethod? strBufMake { private set }
- strBufToStr
CMethod? strBufToStr { private set }
- strBufType
CType? strBufType { private set }
- strPlus
CMethod? strPlus { private set }
- strType
CType? strType { private set }
- sysPod
CPod? sysPod { private set }
- testType
CType? testType { private set }
- typeField
CMethod? typeField { private set }
- typeMethod
CMethod? typeMethod { private set }
- typePod
CMethod? typePod { private set }
- typeType
CType? typeType { private set }
- uriType
CType? uriType { private set }
- voidType
CType? voidType { private set }