class compiler::MethodDef
sys::Obj compiler::Node compiler::DefNode compiler::SlotDef compiler::MethodDef : compiler::CMethod
MethodDef models a method definition - it's signature and body.
- accessorFor
FieldDef? accessorFor
- addLocalVar
MethodVar addLocalVar(CType ctype, Str? name, Block? scope)
Make and add a MethodVar for a local variable. If name is null then we auto-generate a temporary variable name
- addLocalVarForDef
MethodVar addLocalVarForDef(LocalDefStmt def, Block? scope)
Make and add a MethodVar for a local variable.
- addParamVar
MethodVar addParamVar(CType ctype, Str name)
Add a parameter to the end of the method signature and initialize the param MethodVar. Note: currently this only works if no locals are defined.
- code
Block? code
- ctorChain
CallExpr? ctorChain
- inheritedRet
CType? inheritedRet
- inheritedReturnType
virtual override CType inheritedReturnType()
- isFieldAccessor
Bool isFieldAccessor()
Return if getter/setter for FieldDef
- isFieldSetter
Bool isFieldSetter()
Return if setter for FieldDef
- isInstanceInit
Bool isInstanceInit()
Return if this a instance initializer block.
- isItBlockCtor
Bool isItBlockCtor()
Return if this is a constructor with an it-block as last parameter
- isNameInstanceInit
- isNameStaticInit
- isStaticInit
Bool isStaticInit()
Return if this a static initializer block.
- make
new make(Loc loc, TypeDef parent, Str name := "?", Int flags := 0)
- makeInstanceInit
static MethodDef makeInstanceInit(Loc loc, TypeDef parent, Block? block)
- makeStaticInit
static MethodDef makeStaticInit(Loc loc, TypeDef parent, Block? block)
- paramDefs
ParamDef[] paramDefs
- params
virtual override CParam[] params()
- ret
CType ret
- returnType
virtual override CType returnType()
- signature
virtual override Str signature()
- usesCvars
Bool usesCvars
- vars
MethodVar[] vars
- walk
virtual override Void walk(Visitor v, VisitDepth depth)