class compiler::CodeAsm
sys::Obj compiler::CompilerSupport compiler::CodeAsm
CodeAsm is used to assemble the fcode instructions of an Expr or Block.
- block
- code
Buf code
- curMethod
MethodDef? curMethod
- errCount
Int errCount
- errTable
Buf errTable
- expr
- finishCode
Buf finishCode()
Finish writing out the exception handling table
- finishErrTable
Buf finishErrTable()
Finish writing out the exception handling table
- finishLines
Buf finishLines()
Finish writing out the line number table
- fpod
FPod fpod
- lastLine
Int lastLine := -1
- lastOffset
Int lastOffset := -1
- leavesToReturn
Int[]? leavesToReturn
- lineCount
Int lineCount
- lines
Buf lines
- loc
Loc loc
- loopStack
Loop[] loopStack
- make
new make(Compiler compiler, Loc loc, FPod fpod, MethodDef? curMethod)
- op
Void op(FOp op, Int? arg := null)
Append a opcode with option two byte argument.
- opType
Void opType(FOp opcode, CType arg)
Append a opcode with a type argument.
- protectedRegions
ProtectedRegion[]? protectedRegions
- returnLocal
MethodVar? returnLocal
- stmt